
The Beginning.... Codex Alimentarius

In response to this website: Codex Alimentarius

I came across this website through a YouTube video I had emailed to me a few months ago. The website explains about the food codex that was created by the FDA and the WTO. Its a standardized food production plan for just about the whole world. Some say it will get rid of organic food as we know it, others believe it will also limit how you can heal yourself through vitamins and supplements.

I agree that this is a horrible law, something that will affect me personally. But I also believe that, this far in our cultural evolution, this is not a struggle we should be having. We should be looking for answers on how to survive.

Whether you know it or not, Earth cannot sustain the "progress" we have made in the past six thousand years. And we are "progressing" at an frightening rate.

There are many reasons for this, and we need to focus on the underlying problem to fix this.

Search yourself, and you will find that no matter what you tell yourself to keep you from questioning this existence, the questions are there. You are scared of the answers because that means you may become ostracized from those who haven't woken up yet. The deeper you dig into your soul, you will find that, as I was, that you have no control over your life, your childrens lives, or the life of the future of humanity.

Why do you feel this way? Why do you hide from that fear?

Because those who have control over our lives are only leading us to destruction. We as individuals have NO control over this. How can one individual make a difference to end this control? To end this destruction? I am here to tell you you are not alone. The majority of the Earth's population deep down are frightened, they just don't have the courage to stand up with others to end this control.

How do they control us?

The most corrupt system of control is making us believe that it is okay to charge us for something that we absolutely need to have to live.

They have this control because our food is under lock and key. Meaning that they control our food supply. They control who gets it and who doesn't get it. Do you think that our ancestors, thousands upon thousands of years ago, had to actually PAY money too eat!? Did they every have to work a 40, 50, or 60 hour work week to get enough money to feed their families? NO. They plucked their food from vines, trees, and plants and hunted for meat that would feed them as long as food was available.

Why is this system of lock and key bad for Earth? Because since food is under lock and key, we have enough food to feed our population over and over again. Why is this bad? Because it has been proven that an increase in population is directly related to an increase in food supplies. The more people here on Earth, the more we have to consume. The more we consume, soon we will consume everything our earth has to offer, and it will die, along with ALL its inhabitants. This IS NOT science fiction. This is basic math, sociology, and anthropology. This is a basic natural law that has been broken by us.

Our world is an amazing planet. As long as we live by its laws it will always provide for us within its means to provide for us. Meaning that it will always balance itself out as long as we provide it the freedom to do so.

This is how our ancestor's lived for thousands upon thousands of years! They lived within natures laws, and never once did we have the pollution we have today, over population, or any of the other general affects a too large for itself society has.

If there was a lack of food, the population dwindled, if their was an abundance of food, their population increased, but EARTH always kept the population in balance for what it could handle, whether human, animal, or plant. Live in nature's hands, and our world will survive. Live outside this law, we die.

99.9 percent of the human population somehow believe we can survive by breaking this law. A law that had governed us for hundred of thousands of years.

What has been the punishment for breaking this law? Lets name a couple...

1. As much food as we have, and as much food that we are capable of producing, somehow over 13 percent of the world's humans are starving. That's 852 MILLION people. The Earth is UNABLE to balance herself out.

2. Environmental problems.

3. Overproduction of foods lead to damage. Factory Farms throughout the world cause more damage to the ozone, and release more greenhouse gases than the total population of our vehicles.

4. We wage wars now not defeat evil, we wage them to take over lands to further populate and take resources from.

5. There will be a point very soon that there will be no more room for people to live all spread out. We will be looking up. Not the the stars, but to bigger buildings that will stab the sky and fit a thousand or more residents in them to live.

They want you to believe this is how its always been. BUT IT IS NOT! How can we fix this?
Why did we start storing food in the first place? Why does the government require money from us to eat, something that was done for free for thousands of years?

Eating is required for our bodies to live. Without food, we die. What easier way is there to control us, to control the world, than by making you pay for food. By paying for food, you need to get a job, a job you hate and where you feel trapped. By working, you get taxed, which funnels money directly to our government. Our government wants power, NEEDS power, they need control of the population in order to keep their power intact.

They are greedy sons of bitches who will walk over your freedom for more money. This has been done since food has been controlled.

And if you rebel? If you quit work to follow your dreams? If you want to actually do something you want to do, or change things in our society that needs change? They can simply cut off the money supply, which cuts off your food supply. Which, unless your already rich or have a secondary income or a very generous family, you will either starve or die.

Obey the government, or they can simply revoke your life, permanently.

This happen all the time. What do you think economic/food sanctions do to the countries that don't step in line with how those in power want them to? Without food coming into those countries, citizens have nothing to spend their money on. Without anyone working, no money is being made for those in charge, and your government collapses. Government sanctions are like a rapist choking the life out of you until you see things their way and give in.

The world leaders control us using food. Period. Don't think it's in their power to sanction a state, or a city either. There is a law trying to be passed that will make it illegal to hoard food in case of this exact situation. It's already happening, check out one story here. They want you to rely on them.

If you want the government to stop controlling you, take their ability away to control your food. Change the minds of those who think its hopeless and fight for control over your lives.

t does not matter what the FDA and WTO does to the food, for even if they get rid of healthy food forever, control over our lives are still theirs. Control over the world is still theirs. And they are destroying both, like a virus we cant get rid of.

You better wake up. You are not free. The Bill of Rights is a sham that can be revoked anytime. Just look at the Patriot Act.

Take the control of food away from the world powers, and we will no longer have to live in fear of the world powers. Our earth will heal itself, balance itself, and us out.

If this doesn't happen, control will continue and we will constantly live in fear, and constantly be fighting for things that do not matter in the long run.

Find others of like mind. We are not alone. If we can show people a way out of this corrupt system of control, people will start pouring out of it. Only then can we find freedom.

Inspirations for this article:

My Ishmael by Daniel Quinn

Zeitgeist the Movie

www.goneraw.com forums, where the question was raised about the Codex.

And lifetime of learning and seeing.